What’s in a Dropstone Day pack?

So, you’ve decided to go wild and venture into the backcountry, but you’ve wisely outsourced the heavy lifting to the four-legged Ubers of the wilderness. Bravo! Dropstone is glad you are here and we can’t wait to make this an unforgettable experience for you. 

Now listen up! Here’s how to pack your day pack so you can saunter through the great outdoors with poise, grace and know-how. 

  1. Water (duh!):
  • Hydration System: Even with stock support, carrying water is non-negotiable. A hydration bladder  is great for sipping on the go, while a separate, durable water bottle can serve double duty for mixing electrolyte drinks. Dropstone guides strongly suggest you carry 2 liters with you to kick off each day. 
  • Water filtration method – if you don’t have one, we have one you can use! Always filter water cause you don’t want to pay the price later!
  1. The Gourmet Trail Bistro:
  • Snack Emporium: Pack those jerky pieces, nuts, and energy bars to keep your motor running all day long!
  1. The “I Totally Know Where I Am” Kit:
  • Google Maps will do you no good out in The Bob. But, if you want to flash your own navigation tool or GPS to add to your wilderness cred, go ahead. Be sure to bring extra batteries. 
  • If you’re old school map and compass type, we suggest putting these items together in a see-through Ziploc bag for ease of use. 
  1. Fashion Meets Function:
  • Weather Gear: A stylish yet functional rain jacket (AND rain pants) that says, “I’m prepared.” Don’t forget the sunglasses and the sun hat that will stay in place on a windy pass. 
  • An extra warm layer is always a great idea along with another pair of dry socks. We like to put all these in a water proof stuff sack just in case. And in case you didn’t know, changing your socks in the backcountry is considered a luxury worthy of a “new sock day” announcement to make others in your group jealous. 
  1. The “Ouchies” Ensemble:
  • First Aid Kit: Stock it with the the essentials — blister preventions/care supplies and vitamin I (I-B profen that is . . . )
  • Sunscreen: many things are preventable in the backcountry and a blistering sunburn is one of them. It’s an amature move to not put your sun hat on or wear a tank top all day long without sun protection. You’re a grown-up, for goodness sake! Make good choices and wear sunscreen.  
  1. The “I’m Off the Grid and Wilder-Ready” Gear:
  • Smartphone with Portable Solar Charger: Because what’s the point of being one with nature if you can’t capture the perfect sun-dappled summit pic?
  • Headlamp: Choose one that makes you look like a new medical student in the latest headgear fashion, even if it’s just lighting up a map. Yes, doctor? 
  • Fire Making Tools: Not that you’ll need them, but whipping out waterproof matches at the right moment can really impress your fellow trekkers.
  1. The “I”m so LNT I Ghosted the Wilderness” Kit:
  • Chic Trash Bag: Because packing out your trash is essential, but who says you can’t do it in style? Great for picking up anything we see along the way, stowing away your own garbage for each lunch on the trail and being a good friend to your neighbor when they need a place to stash their trash. 
  • Bidness Bag: Pack a Ziploc ready for when nature calls. A personal size of toilet paper and small sized hand sanitizer will do the trip. Remember that trash bag you packed?  Well, that comes in handy about now too. 

Pro Tips for the Wilderness Wanderer:

  • Weight is Not Just a Number: Pack light and leave the Harry Potter book series at home. Always pack the essentials and maybe just one little extra luxury item. Even Survivor show participants get a luxury item. Choose wisely so we don’t vote you off though. 
  • Compartmentalize Your Life: Keep snacks, personal first-aid kit and any other daily need items (any meds you need to take?) in the outer pockets for easy access.
  • Elegance in Balance: Distribute the weight in your pack evenly. You’re aiming for poised explorer, not misfit mule.

In all seriousness (well, as serious as we can get), packing your day pack with thought and care will make your backcountry adventure with stock support as enjoyable as it is memorable. And remember, the wilderness might be wild, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a disorganized heathen. Happy hiking!

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